Kundalini Yoga as it is known nowadays

Kundalini Yoga as it is known nowadays

What is Kundalini Yoga?

Kundalini yoga, also known as "the yoga of awareness," is a spiritual practice that originated in the Sikh tradition and was brought to the West by Yogi Bhajan in the late 1960s. It combines physical postures, breath control, and meditation to cultivate the flow of kundalini energy, which is said to be the life force that lies dormant at the base of the spine.

kundalini yoga

In kundalini yoga, a specific series of postures, known as "kriyas," are used to awaken and stimulate the kundalini energy. These kriyas often involve repetitive movements and controlled breathing, and may also include chanting, singing, and the use of mantras.

The goal of kundalini yoga is to bring about a state of physical and mental balance, as well as to awaken and activate the full potential of the individual. It is believed that the practice of kundalini yoga can lead to improved physical and mental health, as well as a greater sense of spiritual connection and awareness.

It's important to note that kundalini yoga can be physically and mentally challenging, and it is recommended that it be practiced under the guidance of a trained and experienced teacher.

What can you expect if you attend to a Kundalini yoga class?

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A typical Kundalini yoga class typically begins with a short meditation or mantra repetition, followed by warm-up exercises to prepare the body for the physical demands of the practice.

The main portion of the class typically consists of a series of kriyas, which are specific sequences of postures, breath control, and other techniques designed to awaken and stimulate the flow of kundalini energy. These kriyas may include a variety of physical postures, such as squats, lunges, and spinal twists, as well as controlled breathing techniques, such as alternate nostril breathing and "breath of fire."

Kundalini yoga classes may also incorporate chanting, singing, and the use of mantras as a way to focus the mind and cultivate a sense of inner calm and connection.

The class typically ends with a period of relaxation, during which students lie in a comfortable position and allow their bodies and minds to rest and integrate the effects of the practice.

kundalini yoga

Pernelle wears our emblematic and super practical kundalini yoga outfit: the sohang pants and sohang top in white in the frog posture, very famous in Kundalini yoga

Kundalini yoga is a holistic practice that aims to bring about a state of physical and mental balance, as well as awaken and activate the full potential of the individual. Some of the potential benefits of practicing Kundalini yoga include:

  1. Physical health: Kundalini yoga can help to improve strength, flexibility, and cardiovascular endurance. It can also help to reduce stress and tension in the body, and may be helpful in managing chronic conditions such as anxiety and depression.

  2. Mental clarity and focus: The combination of physical activity, breath control, and meditation in Kundalini yoga can help to improve concentration and clarity of thought.

  3. Emotional balance: The practice of Kundalini yoga can help to regulate the nervous system and improve emotional balance.

  4. Spiritual connection: Kundalini yoga aims to awaken and activate the full potential of the individual, and many practitioners report a sense of spiritual connection and enlightenment as a result of their practice.

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Edith is wearing our super stylish Amrit outfit for kundalini yoga - see all our white clothes HERE


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