Free online yoga & meditation teachings



This page is a gift to you! A free library of teachings based on the knowledge of kundalini yoga and other yoga teachings to be happy and grounded in yourself at any times. 

Teachings are organized under themes you may choose from. Some are build in different parts that all together makes one, others focuses on one meditation or one exercice that will offer you greath benefits.


All teachings are comping from the heart of the teachers that took they time and knowledge to build a special online classe for you. At any time, feel free to get in contact with any of the teachers to ask questions and know more about the teachings or they work.


Lia – our Mother, designer and yoga teacher wanted to offer you more than yoga classes. She belives that the key is not to practice yoga but to live it. To do so, beside the great videos made by different teachers, she offers you a manual to download – this manual is available only in french.




The first video is the introduction to the series of meditations to create self love and prosperity. These kriyas come from Kundalini Yoga as thought by Yogi Bhajan. Lia explains here how you can practice these three meditations by yourself.

The first meditation aims to develop self love. Three different postures will follow accompanied by instructions on breath.

In this video, Lia invites you to discover the first meditation on prosperity. It helps to get rid of blockages and exceed the limitations that we impose ourselves. This meditation will be accompanied by the mantra chanting Har Haray mantra Hari Wahe Guru. The meditation lasts 11 minutes.

Har Haray mantra Hari Wahe Guru. The meditation lasts 11 minutes. In this second part, Lia invites you to continue the meditation on prosperity. You can practice this meditation for 3 minutes, 7 minutes, 11 minutes or 31 minutes. It is accompanied by the mantra chanting Har Har.